E10685 - MODELS - System modeling and design exploration of applications for heterogeneous and parallel platforms
Post date: Aug 30, 2016 10:09:59 AM
Project Description: The project will develop an unified environment for the design of system applications on parallel platforms based on CPU, multicore, manycore, FPGA and heterogeneous SoCs. The design tools composing this environment will provide an unified SW/HW specification interface and systematic procedures for composing models at different abstraction levels allowing for the automatic validation, drastically reducing the verification and debugging efforts.
The goal of MODELS consists in creating a viable high-level parallel programming framework that targets as wide a range of parallel processing substrates as possible and is aimed at stream-processing applications. In order to do this, the project will build on existing infrastructure and tools, and incrementally add to and improve on them.
The consortium has been composed to cover the value chain of computing system design from tools integrators (Softeam, Magillem), to application providers including system integrator and use-case provider (AKAtech) In particular, Softeam and Magillem are major player in tools for model-based design. This consortium has also a strong background in standardization activities. Recommendations to standards bodies will be directly supported by member companies in MODEL who are active members of Analysis & Design Task Force (ADTF) of the Object Management Group (Softeam is a platform member of OMG and he plan to contribute the newly developed MARTE and SysML MODELS advances to the portfolio of ADTF) and ISO/IEC MPEG standardization committee (EPFL is the leader of the efforts for advanced system level specification efforts).
SOFTEAM's Role: Softeam will focus on the holistic approach to system design in the form of a complete design flow starting from specifications down to implementations. This will enable developers to take into account functional and non-functional issues across all layers relevant to the design, and across all implementation targets.
Web Site: models.epfl.ch