CROSSMINER final review in Brussels
Post date: Feb 28, 2020 12:16:38 PM
February 18th 2020 was the D-day for the CROSSMINER EU-Horizon 2020 project. Indeed, it was the final review of the project at the European Commission’s offices in Brussels.
The whole day review was dedicated to demonstrate the work done during the last 3 years.
The presentations and the demos have focused on both the technology achievements done by different R&D partners and the industrial exploitations by the use case partners.
The project reviewers have appreciated the efforts done by all the CROSSMINER partners over the project duration which is resumed in following point:
The Consortium has worked well together with very good collaboration and strong commitment even beyond the project duration.
All components operational, integrated and documented with industrial demonstrators and evaluations completed.
Please check out our demos to demonstrate the SOFTEAM’s use case within the project:
Further information about the project is available over here:
Well done to everyone involved in the project during these 3 amazing years !!!!!
The Softeam's team
Amin Boudeffa, Antonin Abhervé, Alessandra Bagnato