Business card

We participated in various collaborative research projects in different areas.

If you are looking for a reliable partner with a huge experience in methodologies and tools for model-driven engineering, innovations in the model-driven engineering domain please, contact us.

In brief, our services include:

    • Proposal coordination (ITEA 3 MEASURE, FP7 ENOSYS, REMICS, RTE Space);

    • Project coordination as a prime or a work package leader (see MADES, REMICS, RTE Space);

    • Technical integration leading (see CROSSMINER, FITTEST, Modelplex, MADES, MOMOCS);

    • UML and MDA methods and tools implementation;

    • Standardization at the Object Management Group (see INTO-CPS, SHAPE);

    • End user, case studies provider (see FITTEST).

The collaboration can be established in different formats including:

Check our Projects, Demos, Tools and Publications for examples of our research work.