CPSwarm EU-Horizon2020 project
Post date: Mar 13, 2017 12:13:22 PM
On 1st January 2017 we started up the CPSwarm EU-Horizon2020 Smart Cyber-Physical Systems project! We had the kick off in Turin, Italy on 17th-18th January, 2017.
The team includeds 9 partners from cross-over Europe including: Italy, France, Spain, Hungary and Austria!
These first three months were completed successfully: personal meetings, coordination, lots of new ideas and inspiration. We are working to offer a CPSwarm fully-fledged design and simulation environment, namely the CPSwarm Workbench, natively supporting iterative, computer-aided design of CPSs, with a particular focus on swarms of heterogeneous systems.
We are going to have 3 years of with highly significant research output and we aiming to drastically improve support to design of complex, autonomous CPS! Follows us on this blog and on twitter at https://twitter.com/CPSwarm_EU