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SOFTEAM ModelioSoft Research Team
Softeam R&D
Business card
Meeting Location
MYRTUS Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design envi
Hroizon Europe FOODITY
Horizon EuropeSOSFood - Sustainability Optimization for Secure Food Systems
H2020 VeriDevOps
H2020 Morphemic - Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud
PSPC AIDA - Artificial Intelligence for Digital Automation (AIDA)
H2020 PoseID-On: Protection and control of Secured Information by means of a privacy enhanced Dashboard
H2020 731946 CPSwarm: Swarms of Cyber-Physical Systems
732223 - CROSSMINER - Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories
H2020 DataBio: Data-Driven Bioeconomy
H2020 Q-RAPIDS: Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development
E10685 - MODELS - System modeling and design exploration of applications for heterogeneous and parallel platforms
ECSEL MegaM@Rt: MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems.
MEASURE (ITEA 3 - 14009)
ITEA REVAMP:Round-trip Engineering and VAriability Management Platform and Process
JUNIPER (FP7-ICT-2011-8)
FITTEST (FP7-ICT-2010-5)
MADES (FP7-ICT-2009-4)
MODAClouds (FP7-ICT-2011-8)
MONDO (FP7-ICT-2013-10)
ENOSYS (FP7-ICT-2009-4)
REMICS (FP7-ICT-2010-5)
SHAPE (FP7-ICT-2007-1)
PRESTO (ARTEMIS-2010-1-269362)
MOMOCS (FP6-2005-IST-5)
Galaxy (ANR - French National)
WebMov (ANR - French National)
Architecture Driven Modernization in Practice – Study Results
Automated Model Driven Development Processes
ENOSYS : intEgrated modelliNg and synthesis tOol flow for embedded SYStems design
ENOSYS: Model Driven Design Flow for Systems-on-Chip
Enterprise Architecture Modeling with SoaML using BMM and BPMN - MDA Approach in Practice
Facility in Complex System Modernization, a Case Study of CRM Modernization
INTO-CPS: An integrated “tool chain” for comprehensive Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems @ Paris Open Sourc Summit 2015 - European Collaborative Innovation Track - Alessandra Bagnato
JUNIPER: Towards Modeling Approach Enabling Efficient Platform for Heterogeneous Big Data Analysis @ CEE SECR, 2014
MADES: A SysML/MARTE high level methodology for real-time and embedded systems
MADES: Designing Real-Time and Embedded Systems using a combined SysML/MARTE approach
MADES: Embedded Systems Engineering Approach in the Avionics Domain
MDE Project Execution Support via SPEM Process Enactment
Model-Driven Documentation, The art of authoring model-driven documentation
Modelio - Overcoming the Limitations of model repositories by Philippe Desfray
Modelio:Solutions for Embedded Systems and Software @ HiPEAC 2014, Industrial session
MONDO Project, a Scalable Modeling and Model Management on the Cloud - Paris Open Source Summit 2015 - Big Data Track - Alessandra Bagnato
On Study Results: Round Trip Engineering of Space Systems
PRESTO: Improvements of Industrial Real-time Embedded Systems Design and Development
PSM-to-PIM, a Pragmatic Way
SOA and SHA Tools Developed in SHAPE Project
Software Process Modeling and Execution: The UML4SPM to WS-BPEL Approach
The OMG UML Testing Profile in Use - An Industrial Case Study for the Future Internet Testing
UML, SysML and MARTE in Use, a High Level Methodology for Real-time and Embedded Systems
Tools and prototypes
The CAMEL Designer Module for Modelio in MORPHEMIC project
AIDA BPM DCM Methodology
CPSwarm module in Modelio!
MARTE Designer for Modelio
UML Testing Profile for Modelio
SysML Module for Modelio Open Source v4.1.0
OMG activities
FOODITY: 1st Open call to fund 6 data-driven solutions for food & nutritiot
Ingénieur développeur JAVA (H/F) à Guyancourt DOCAPOSTE
DeCPS 2022 17 June 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Best-paper award for MADES related paper
Book on #Embedded and modeling with #SysML and #MARTE
CFP: MDA4ServiceCloud2010
Check presentation of our paper on SoaML for Enterprise IT Systems
3rd Workshop on Challenges and New Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical System Engineering (De-CPS 2016)!
CPSwarm EU-Horizon2020 project
CROSSMINER final review in Brussels
DataBio project – Press release | 7 August 2018 |
Double tutorial on cloud modelling tools
ECSEL Consortium Building Event in Brussels
ENOSYS and MADES at EmbeddedWorld2013 in Nuremberg
EUROSTARS E10685 - MODELS Project Kick-off!
Final OSSMETER meeting
FITTEST Meeting on Combinatorial Testing techniques @Softeam
From ICT Proposers' day 2012 in Warsaw.
Great Modelio and INTO-CPS Project exibition at the OMG Berlin meeting!!
Half-day demo/workshop INTO-CPS on 21 Novembre 2016 14h -17h
Happy New 2010 Year!!!
Hello World!
Internet of Services Collaboration Meeting
Journée MDDay au LIP6/UPMC
JUNIPER final review in Luxembourg
JUNIPER M12 review in Luxembourg
JUNIPER meeting in Paris
JUNIPER meeting in Stuttgart
JUNIPER Plenary meeting in Brno
JUNIPER Plenary meeting in Freising/Germany
JUNIPER Plenary meeting in Heidelberg/Germany
JUNIPER Plenary Meeting in Karlsruhe
JUNIPER Plenary Meeting in Pisa
JUNIPER Plenary meeting in York
JUNIPER project was kicked-off
Long life to Q-RAPIDS!
M24 Review for JUNIPER
MADES project has been successfully finished
MARTE Designer alfa release
MARTE Designer is available as open source!
MEASURE French team had its kick-off meeting in Paris on January 14-15 at SofteamCadextan!!
MEASURE Training day in Paris
Meet the team presenting Modelio at ECMDA 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
MODAClouds Advisory Board Meeting and Multiclouds session on the CLOSER conference in Barcelona
ModaClouds in Oslo
MODAClouds Integration Workshop in Milan
ModaClouds kick-off
MODAClouds M24 Review in Milan
MODAClouds plenary meeting in Bergamo / Italy
MODAClouds plenary meeting in Paris
MODAClouds Plenary Meeting in Tenerife
MODAClouds plenary meeting in Timisoara
MODAClouds Plenary Meeting in Vienna
MODAClouds plenary meeting in West University of Timisoara
Modelio as a Service in the MICAS Workshop
Modelio goes open source, check
Modelio Tool for collaborative CPSs at the CPSwarm meeting in Klagenfurt
Models for Big data stream processing
MONDO Pleniary meeting in Madrid
New Articles and Presentations from ECMDA 2009
New post. Java software engineer in Reaserch team
OMG UML Testing Profile 2 Working Group Meeting in Paris!
OMG UTP Working Group meeting @ Softeam in Paris on April 23rd and 24th
Open source UML Testing Profile module for Modelio FREE released
OSSMETER @ ICT 2013 "Open source Software: Peeking Backstage" Exhibition in Vilnius!
OSSMETER kick-off
OSSMETER meeting in Lisbon
Our CPSwarm workbench walkthrough is ready!
PRESTO Meeting in Oulu
Projet Databio - Communiqué de presse - 7 Août 2018
R&D Team at CSDM14
R&D Team in Berlin for OMG Technical Meeting
R&D Team in Montpellier for PMDE/MBSPDTI Workshop
R&D team in Paris Open Source Summit
Registration and Final Program of Industrial Track of 7th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges In Information Science (RCIS 2013)
REMICS and FITTEST FP7 projects started
REMICS meeting in Paris
REMICS review went succesfully
SHAPE Toolsuite is available for download
SoaML Designer Open Source for Modelio 1.2
SoaML Designer release candidate is available
SoaML in Modelio at CEE-SECR 2010, Moscow, October 2010
SoaML prototype v2
SoaML To XSD, WSDL and BPEL with SoaML Engine Open Source for Modelio 1.2
SoaML Tutorial at ECMFA, June 16, 2010, Paris, France
SoaML Tutorial Download
SOAML UML2 Profile Proto
SOAML UML2 Profile Proto
Softeam at the CROSSMINER Kick-off in Brussels
SOFTEAM hosting MONDO Meeting in Paris on June 22nd and 23rd!
Softeam hosts JUNIPER plenary meeting in Paris
Softeam posted a demonstration of REMICS project for Service Wave 2011
Softeam R&D and University College London collaborating for FITTEST EU project
Softeam R&D co-organize the 3rd International Workshop on Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software Systems (MeGSuS’16)!
Softeam R&D Team @ ICT Proposers' Day 2014 in Florence
SOFTEAM R&D team is organizing MeGSuS 2015 !!
SOFTEAM team at the 2nd FITTEST Project Review in Brussels
Softeam team is leading the FITTEST organization of the RCIS 2013 Industrial Day!
SPEM Enactment Demo
SPEM Modeller
Starting 2 Embedded Systems Projects with Modelio
SysML designer open source release
Tools has moved to the forge at
Try Demos!
UTP Meeting at Zürich
XSM Editor Prototype
SOFTEAM ModelioSoft Research Team
Post date: Aug 18, 2008 1:30:04 PM
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